Monday 8 November 2010

One year on

We've now had Wwoofers for a year! It has been such an experience and such an amazing help. overall a very positive time for us all. We've made friends and had so much fun. Our garden went from mess to productive and our family and business profited also.

Thank you to all our helpers from around the world. Our children have had so many stories read to them in so many accents. We've eaten food we never would have thought of. Nothing very strange just different things like American Jewish food, German quark, Swedish style salad and crackers with fish paste, grits from the south of USA, salmon with pesto on it from Sweden, Sauerkraut, Steak and more steak with beer (Australian). We've watched lots of NZ films to show them off to our Wwoofers and been to visit things to show off our city.

We've now had Wwoofers from the following countries:

I thought there were more than that?

Our composting has been amazing from shop, caravan and home. And thanks to Wwoofer action we've moved this around our garden. I've loved showing people how they can be a little more sustainable with little hints like that.

We're moving soon to our new micro-lifestyle block. It's big for the city but not a farm. Enough for us to manage I think though. It has 2870 sq m of land. Enough that if we are organised and committed we can grow our own food apart from maybe rice, wheat and meat. We were told that you need about 500sqm of land for an average family to grow enough. Haven't measured the vege patch but it is probably similar to that. Bring on the Wwoofers!!!

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Fish for dinner?

Matt from North Corolina and Moritz from Engelberg near Stuttgart just got back from fishing on the Hutt river. Tough Woofing duty! They took our bikes and went about 2kms down the river to fish at the river mouth.
So fish for dinner, we're not sure what it is though? Anyone know?

International visitors

We've wondered about having WWOOFers for years now after various people told us about their experiences. Two weeks ago we finally listed our house and garden and already we're onto our third WWOOFer. So far it has been a lot of fun, sharing stories, language, cheese, food and travel stories. Our first one was Jaqueline from Southern Germany just on the border of France and Switzerland. She has been lovely with the children and has learnt about composting. How to have it break down rather than turn into a smelly green sludgy mess. It isn't that hard but takes a little practice. Anyway now some pictures of work so far...